Chinese Reading

​ Kàn pīnyīn  xiĕ cíyŭ

1.  看   拼音   写 词语

​bĕi jīng              jī  chăng            xíng  li (   ) (   )               (   ) (   )                (   ) (   ) hăi guān           péng you             dĭ  dá (   ) (   )               (   ) (   )                (   ) (   …

Idiom Stories: 一箭双雕 (Yíjiànshuāngdiāo) To Shoot Two Hawks with One Arrow

Nánbĕicháo shí, bĕizhōu yŏu ge jiào Zhăngsūn Shèng de wŭguān, 南北朝时,北周有个叫长孙晟的武官, shànyú shèjiàn, zhìmóu guò rén, 善于射箭,智谋过人, yīncĭ bèi cháotíng pàiqiăn hùsòng gōngzhŭ dào xībĕi tūjuézú qù chénghūn. 因此被朝廷派遣护送公主到西北突厥族去成婚。 Tūjuézú guówáng hĕn qìzhòng tā,  bă tā liú xià lái,  suí zìjĭ yìqĭ qù dăliè, 突厥族国王很器重他,把他留下来,随自己一起去打猎, …

Conversation-打出租车(dǎ chū zū chē) Take a Taxi

打出租车 (Dǎ chūzūchē) Take a Taxi

Sī jī: Zǎoshang hǎo. Huānyíng nín dào Běijīng lái. Nín yào qù nǎ? 司机:早上好。欢迎您到北京来。您要去哪? Driver: Good morning! Welcome to Beijing. Can I help you?

Julia: Wǒ yào qù Běijīngjiŭdiàn. Wǒ kěyĭ bǎ xíngli fàng zài chē hòuxiāng ma? Julia:我要去北京酒店。我可以把行李放在车后厢吗? …

Nursery Rhyme -交通工具大集合(Jiāotōng gōngjù dà jíhé) Collection of Vehicles

Dīdī  dīdī   dī dī,    qìchē pǎo 嘀嘀 嘀嘀 嘀 嘀,  汽车   跑, Vroom, vroom. The car is moving, Hōnglōnglōng hōnglōnglōng, huǒchē jiào. 轰隆隆             轰隆隆,         火车      叫。 Chugga, chugga, choo, choo. The train is roaring. Dà lúnchuán, hǎi shàng piāo, hǎi shàng piāo, 大  轮船         海   …

The Mid-Autumn Festival is Coming!

Zhōngqiū jié, wǒmen chī ___ , chūqu __, tīng ___ de gùshi. 中秋         节,我们    吃___, 出去   __,听  ___ 的  故事。 Please choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks. A. 饺子(jiǎozi), 放鞭炮(fàng biānpào), 孔子(Kǒng Zǐ)

B. 月饼(yuèbǐnɡ), 赛龙舟(sài lóngzhōu), 屈原(Qū Yuán)

C. 粽子(zòngzi), 爬山(páshān), …

Chinese Nursery Rhyme-圆圆歌(Yuán Yuán Gē) The Round Rhyme

Shénme yuányuán hón tōngtōng? 什么        圆圆          红    彤彤? What is round and red? Tàiyáng yuányuán hón tōngtōng. 太阳         圆圆          红  彤彤。 The sun is round and red. Shénme yuányuán xiǎng dōngdōng? 什么          圆圆          响    咚咚? What is round and beating? Xiǎogǔ yuányuán xiǎng dōngdōng. 小鼓         …

“潮男(cháonán)”— Wet or Fashionable?

“潮(cháo),” literally means “tide,” and is typically used in phrases related to the tide, such as “潮水(cháoshuǐ) tide” and “涨潮(zhǎngcháo) rising tide” etc.


Qiántángjiāng de cháoshuǐ hěn yǒumíng. 钱塘江             的  潮水        很   有名。

The tide of Qiantang River is very famous.

Zhǎngcháo de shíhou …

The usage of “的”

The correct answer is




             Nà shì shénme? Li Hua:那  是   什么? What’s that?              Wǒ de xīnshū. Tom:我  的  新书。 It’s my new book.


This test aims to check your knowledge about adjectives as modifiers. In the conversation, Tom answers, “我的新书 (Wǒ …

“最中国”的中国字 The Most “Chinese” Chinese Characters (Intermediate)

“最中国”的中国字The Most “Chinese” Chinese Characters Listen to the whole story Key Learning Points (Preview)

和谐 (héxié): n. harmony

反映 (fǎnyìng): v. to reflect

推崇 (tuīchóng) v. to praise highly

Lā’ěrfū.Àimòshēng shuō, wǒmen kěyǐ cóng yìguó de yǔyán 拉尔夫  爱默生           说,我们    可以   从    一国  的 语言 …

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