May you be prosperous! (Beginner) 恭喜发财!(初级)

恭喜发财!(Gōngxǐ fācái!) May you be prosperous!

    Xīnnián kuàilè! Gōngxǐ fācái! A: 新年       快乐! 恭喜    发财!

    Happy New Year! May you be prosperous!     Xièxie! B: 谢谢!

   Thank you! Take a Free 1-on-1 live online business Chinese lesson with our professional teachers from China. // // …

Why Is the Rabbit the Fourth Animal in the Chinese Zodiac? (Intermediate)

兔子为什么在生肖中排第四? (Tùzi wèishénme zài shēngxiāo zhōng pái dì sì?) Key Learning Points (Preview)

生肖 (shēngxiāo): n. Zodiac

出发 (chūfā): v. to start off

Hěn jiǔ yǐqián, Yùhuángdàdì dǎsuàn zài dòngwù zhōng xuǎn shí’èr gè pái shēngxiāo. 很   久 以前,玉皇大帝          打算      在     动物      中     选    十二     …

How to say “Thanksgivings” in Chinese? (Intermediate)

Thanksgiving Day is coming up. Do you know how to read and write the Chinese Characters


for Thanksgiving Day? The Chinese Characters


for “Thanksgiving Day”  are “感恩节(Gǎn’ēnjié),” or the traditional Chinese characters “感恩節(Gǎn’ēnjié).” “感(gǎn)” means to appreciate or to give thanks. “恩(ēn)” means the favor …

Mandarin Lesson: Salutations in Chinese Letters (Intermediate)

中文书信的称呼(Zhōngwén shūxìn de chēnghū) Salutations in Chinese letters

Zhōngguó bèi yùwéi “lǐyízhībāng.” 中国           被   誉为 “礼仪之邦”。 Wúlùn zài rìcháng shēnghuó háishì shāngwù huódòng zhōng, 无论    在   日常      生活         还是     商务          活动        中, Zhōngguórén yìzhí dōu hěn zhùyì lǐyí. 中国人           一直   都   很   注意 礼仪。 China …

Exchange Rate of the Chinese RMB (Intermediate)

Key Learning Point:

商务用语 (shāngwù yòngyǔ) Business vocabulary

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Look at the short business report:

Jìn jǐ nián lái, rénmínbì huìlǜ wèntí chéngwéi guónèiwài guānzhù de jiāodiǎn. 近 几年 来,人民币     汇率 问题    成为         国内外      关注      的     焦点。 In recent years, governments …

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