暑期计划 (shǔqī jìhuà) Summer Travel Plan

暑期计划 (shǔqī jìhuà) Summer Travel Plan   Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)  A: Shǔjià yǒu shěnme ānpái ma? 暑假有什么安排吗? Do you have any plans for your summer holiday?

B: Shǔjià wǒ cānjiā zhōngwén shǔqībān xué zhōngwén. 暑假我参加中文暑期班学中文。 I am going to take a summer Chinese program to…

一千零一个愿望 (Yìqiān líng yígè yuànwàng) One Thousand and One Wishes

一千零一个愿望 (Yìqiān líng yígè yuànwàng) One Thousand and One Wishes

This is a beautiful and inspiring song, especially among young people in China. Listen to the song Míngtiān jiù xiàng hézi lǐ de qiǎokèlì táng. 明天就像盒子里的巧克力糖。 Tomorrow is like a box of chocolates. Shénme zīwè? …

童年 (Tóngnián) Childhood

童年 (Tóngnián) Childhood


Listen to this song:  

Key Learning Points (Preview):

等待 (děnɡdài): v. to wait

老师 (lǎoshī) n. teacher

Chítáng biān de róngshù shàng, zhīliao zài shēngshēng jiàozhe xiàtiān. 池塘       边   的    榕树      上,   知了   在       声声         叫着    夏天。 The cicadas in BANYAN TREES

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