可口可乐与中国计谋 Coca-Cola and Ancient Chinese Stratagems (Advanced)

可口可乐与中国计谋 (Kěkǒu kělè yǔ Zhōngguó jìmóu) Coca-Cola and Ancient Chinese Stratagems (Advanced) Key Learning Points (Preview):

三十六计 (sānshíliùjì): n thirty six stratagems

欲擒故纵 (yùqín gùzòng): n/v to catch something, first set it free

利润 (lìrùn): n profit

More than 20 years ago, “可口可乐 (kěkǒu kělè) …

Mini-test Answer: A Large Crowd (Advanced)

Advanced Level 高级 (gāojí)  

Correct answer: C


Let’s first look at the meaning of this Chinese dialogue.

  Wǒ zhōumò qù shì zhōngxīn guàngjiē le. Zhēnshì rénshānrénhǎi a! A: 我     周末   去 市      中心        逛街   了。 真是        人山人海     啊! I went to the city center …

寄一封慢信给未来 Deliver A “Slow Letter” to the Future (Beginner)

寄一封慢信给未来 (Jì yìfēng màn xìn gěi wèilái) Deliver A “Slow Letter” to the Future (Beginner)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

熊猫 (xióngmāo): n panda

鼓励 (gǔlì): v to encourage

感激 (gǎnjī): n gratitude

Recently a “特别的 (tèbiéde) special” company, whose primary service is delivering “slow” letters …

宫保鸡丁的来历 Origin of Kung Pao Chicken (Advanced)

宫保鸡丁的来历 (Gōngbǎo jīdīng de láilì) Origin of Kung Pao Chicken (Advanced)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

宫保鸡丁 (gōngbǎo jīdīng): n Kung Pao Chicken

川菜 (chuāncài): n Sichuan dish

鸡肉 (jīròu):n chicken

“宫保鸡丁 (gōngbǎo jīdīng)Kung Pao Chicken” is usually perceived as a “川菜 (chuāncài) Sichuan dish,” and …

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