Top 10 Chinese Business Quotations

1、Jīntiān hěn cánkù, míngtiān gèng cánkù, hòutiān hěn měihǎo, dàn jué dàduōshù rén dōu sǐ zài míngtiān wǎnshàng, kàn bú jiàn hòutiān de tàiyáng. 今天很残酷,明天更残酷, 后天很美好,但绝大多数人都死在明天晚上,看不见 后天的太阳。 Today is cruel and tomorrow is crueler. The day after tomorrow will be wonderful; however, most people die …

寒假 (hánjià) Winter Vacation (Beginner)

寒假 (hánjià) Winter Vacation

The character “寒 (hán)” means cold and “假 (jià)” means vacation or holiday.


Wǒ dǎsuan lìyòng hánjià zài wǎngshàng xuéxiào xuéxí zhōngwén. 我打算利用寒假在网上学校学习中文。 I plan to learn Chinese through online Chinese school during winter vacation.

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随便 (suíbiàn) Casual/ Informal (Intermediate)

随便 (suíbiàn) Casual/Informal


The character “随 (suí)” means to comply with and “便 (biàn)” means convenience. Example: Tā píngshí zhuózhuāng hěn suíbiàn, cóngbù jiǎngjiu. 他平时着装很随便,从不讲究。 He usually dresses casually and never pays much attention to the way he dresses.


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点菜 (diăn cài) Order Dishes

Beginner Level / 初级chūjí

Fú wù yuán: Xiānsheng, nínhăo, nín xūyào diăn shénme? 服务员:先生, 您好, 您需要点什么? Waiter: Sir, can I help you please?

Gù kè: Wŏ  yào  yí fèn  niúpái. 顾客:我要一份牛排。 Customer: I’d like a steak.

Fú wù yuán: Hăo de, qĭng shāoděng. 服务员:好的,请稍等。 Waiter: …

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