Answer To Make an Impression with This AP Chinese Test Question

Answer: C Analysis: Jīntiān jiàn le xīn péngyǒu Lily, wǒ duì tā de yìnxiàng hěn hǎo. 今  天   见  了 新   朋   友  Lily,我  对 她 的  印  象    很好。 I met my new friend Lily today and I was very impressed with her.

“A+ 对+B+印象+好/不好” is a fixed grammar structure in Chinese which means “A …

Answer To Chinese Slang Phrases: I’m Not Sure if I Have a Good Foundation!

Answer: B Analysis:          Nǐ de bìyè lùnwén xiě de zěnme yàngle? Jack: 你  的 毕业 论  文   写  得  怎  么    样  了?          Have you finished your graduate thesis?

         Wǒ yǐjīng xiě wán le, dànshì xiě de hǎo bù hǎo, zhège wǒ xīnlǐ méi dǐ. …

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