Video Lesson: How Long Does It Take to Get from Hong Kong to Beijing by Air?

Exercises in the Video:

1. A: Nǐ zhīdào cóng tǐyùguǎn dào yīyuàn zěnme zǒu ma? A: 你知道从体育馆到医院怎么走吗? B: Bǔhǎoyìsi, Marc. Wǒ bù zhīdào. B: 不好意思,Marc。我不知道。 Which of the following statements is most likely to be true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer. …

International News (Real-time updating)

April 15th 2019 Jìn rì, “jiǔ jiǔ liù” zài Zhōngguó chéngwéi rèdiǎn huàtí, ā lǐ bā bā、 jīng dōng děng qǐyè de fùzé rén xiāngjì jiù “jiǔ jiǔ liù” fābiǎo kànfǎ. 近日,”996″在中国成为热点话题,阿里巴巴、京东等企业的负责人相继就”996″发表看法。 Recently, “996” has become a hot topic in China. Alibaba,, and other …

Answer Key – How to Learn Chinese from Anywhere: Must-Have Mandarin Chinese Language Apps

Answer: C Analysis:

Lucy: Nǐ tōngguò shèn me fāngshì xuéxí pīnyīn ne? Lucy: 你通过什么方式学习拼音呢? Lucy: How do you learn Pinyin?

Denny: Wǒ yòng zhèngyīn wànlǐ háng xuéxí pīnyīn. Denny: 我用正音万里行学习拼音。 Denny: I use the Zhengyin miles to learn Pinyin.

Lucy: Tā shì shénme ne? Lucy: …

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