China makes waves at 2016 Rio Olympics

1. How to say “gold medal” in Chinese?      A. 金牌 (jīnpái)      B. 银牌 (yínpái)      C. 铜牌 (tóngpái) 2. Zuó wǎn ____ kàn Àoyùnhuì le, jīntiān kěnéng huì _____.      昨   晚   ____  看      奥运会 了,今天   可能    会  _____。      I stayed up late last night to watch …

Body Parts: The Names of the Fingers in Chinese

Read the Story:

“五个手指头的对话(Wǔ gè Shǒuzhǐtou de Duìhuà)” The Five Fingers’ Dialogue

Yìtiān wǎnshang, wǔ gè shǒuzhǐtou tǎng zài chuáng shàng liáotiān. 一天     晚上,     五  个   手指头        躺    在    床        上       聊天。 One night, five fingers laid on the bed chatting.

Zhōngzhǐ shuō: “āiyō,   mǔzhǐ …

丢手绢 Hide the Handkerchief

Listen to this song: Diū shǒujuàn, diū shǒujuàn, qīngqīngde fàngzài xiǎopéngyoude hòumian, 丢    手绢,      丢  手绢,     轻轻地        放在      小朋友的          后面, Hide the handkerchief, hide the handkerchief. And gently place it behind the children.

Dàjiā búyào gàosu tā, 大家  不要   告诉  他, Please do not tell …

Chinese Song – 好宝宝(Hǎobǎobao) Good Child

Tiān lánlán, báiyún piāo, bēiqǐ xiǎoshūbāo. 天     蓝蓝,白云 飘, 背起  小书包。 The sky is blue with floating white clouds, and I carry my little bag.

Huār kāi, niǎor jiào, tàiyáng gōnggong xiào. 花儿 开,鸟儿  叫, 太阳     公公           笑。 The flowers bloom, the birds sing, and …

“打(dǎ) hit” doesn’t always mean “violent” in Mandarin (and find out why)

When you first come to China, you will hear Chinese people say things like “打电话(dǎdiànhuà),” “打车(dǎchē),” “打球(dǎqiú),” etc. As you may know, “打(dǎ)” basically means “hit,” “beat,” “break,” or “attack.” With so many meanings, it’s not surprising if you start to get confused. So the …

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