寄一封慢信给未来 Deliver A “Slow Letter” to the Future (Beginner)

寄一封慢信给未来 (Jì yìfēng màn xìn gěi wèilái) Deliver A “Slow Letter” to the Future (Beginner)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

熊猫 (xióngmāo): n panda

鼓励 (gǔlì): v to encourage

感激 (gǎnjī): n gratitude

Recently a “特别的 (tèbiéde) special” company, whose primary service is delivering “slow” letters …

新月 (xīnyuè) New Moon and 聊斋志异 (Liáozhāizhìyì) Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio

新月 (Xīnyuè) New Moon and 聊斋志异 (Liáozhāizhìyì) Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio Key Learning Points (Preview):

电影(diànyǐng): n. movie

The release of the new movie “新月 (Xīnyuè) New Moon” “刷新 (shuāxīn) broke a lot of records.” It left Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Harry …

童年 (Tóngnián) Childhood

童年 (Tóngnián) Childhood


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Key Learning Points (Preview):

等待 (děnɡdài): v. to wait

老师 (lǎoshī) n. teacher

Chítáng biān de róngshù shàng, zhīliao zài shēngshēng jiàozhe xiàtiān. 池塘       边   的    榕树      上,   知了   在       声声         叫着    夏天。 The cicadas in BANYAN TREES

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