中国商务送礼禁忌 Taboos of Giving Business Gifts in China (Intermediate)

中国商务送礼禁忌 (Zhōngguó shāngwù sònglǐ jìnjì) Taboos of giving business gifts in China

Key Learning Points (Preview):

送礼 (sònglǐ): v. to give gift

商务往来 (shāngwù wǎnglái): n. business exchanges/doing business with others

“送礼 (sònglǐ) Gift giving ” is an important part of “商务往来 (shāngwù wǎnglái) doing …

Chinese Speaking

Learn Chinese pinyin- Consonants with audio Chinese pinyin is a Roman-letter based system that China now uses to mark the pronunciation of Chinese characters. With four tones and pinyin, any Chinese characters can be pronounced precisely. In many cases, pinyin is quite intuitive to English …

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