HSK Test Prep

Quiz-Rearrange Words to Form Correct Sentences

Can you rearrange the words below to form correct sentences? This is a good way to enhance your Chinese language ability.

Let’s give it a try!

Past Exam Question Practice

fēi chánɡ      hé       tánɡ        tián       nà 1. A. 非 常      B. 盒      C. 糖         D. …

Answer to What Do a 感染 (gǎn rǎn) and 传染 (chuán rǎn) Have in Common? Only This Chinese Quiz Will Tell

Answer: 1. A 2. B 3. A

Answer analysis:

1.tā nà jiāndìng de xìnxīn gǎnrǎn le wǒmen    他那坚定的信心感染了我们。    His firm faith infected us.

2.tā bǎ xīnguān bìngdú chuánrǎn gěile tā de jiārén    她把新冠病毒传染给了她的家人。    She transmitted the coronavirus to her family.

3.xīnguān bìngdú gǎnrǎn le hěnduō …

Answer to How to Properly Use 以前(yǐqián) and 从前(cóngqián)? Take the Quiz!

Answer: 1.B 2.A 3.A

Answer analysis:

1.cóngqián, yǒu gè měilì de xiǎo cūnzhuāng.    从前,有个美丽的小村庄。    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful small village.

2.tā tōngcháng 7 diǎn 40 yǐqián jiù lái shàngbānle.    他通常7点40以前就来上班了。    He usually comes to work before 7:40.

3.wǒ yǐqián gēn yéyé …

Do you have 微信(Wēixìn) or 威信 (Wēixìn)?Confused?Take This Quiz!

Please choose the best option to fill each blank. A.微信 (Wēixìn)

B.威信 (Wēixìn)

   Wǒ méiyǒu jiā tā de Wēixìn 1. 我没有加他的 ______ 。

   Zhègè rén jīhū méiyǒu wēixìn 2. 这个人几乎没有 ______ 。

   Tā shì yígè jí yǒu wēixìn de rén 3. 他是一个极有 ______ 的人。

   Wǒ …

Chinese Quiz: Who is infected by the Virus?

Read the Chinese dialogue below and answer the question. Lǐ Hóng: Wǒ biǎo gē qù yīyuàn jiǎnchá chūlái de jiéguǒ shì yángxìng. 李红:我表哥去医院检查出来的病毒结果是呈阳性。

Chén Lì: Tiān a! Qián liǎng tiān búshì hái shuō shì fǒu yīn xìng ma? 陈丽:天啊!前两天不是还说是阴性吗?

Lǐ hóng: Shì de. Xiànzài qíngkuàng …

Chinese Quiz Time! Commonly Used Phrases on the News Regarding the Coronavirus

Read the following Chinese sentences and choose the best word to fill in each blank.

A. 复学 (Fùxué)

B. 复工 (Fùgōng)

    Yīnwèi shòudào yìqíng yǐngxiǎng, gōngsī ānpái wǒmen____ hòu kěyǐ zàijiā bàngōng. 1. 因为受到疫情影响,公司安排我们____后可以在家办公。     Wǒ de dìdi xiànzài hái méiyǒu____, suǒyǐ tā zhǐ néng zài …

Answer Key – Quiz: Yuēdìng (约定), Yùyuē (预约), or Yùbào (预报)?


1. B


约定 (Yuēdìng) agree on; appoint; arrange; convention


Qǐng búyào wàngjì wǒmen de yuēdìng. 请不要忘记我们的约定。 Please don’t forget our agreement.

预约 (Yùyuē) make an appointment; meet sb. by appointment


Nǐhǎo, wǒ xiǎng yùyuē yíxià Wáng yīshēng de ménzhěn. 你好,我想预约一下王医生的门诊。 Hello, …

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