HSK Test Prep

HSK Sample Test Answer Key: Has the Sister Found her Mother? (Listening Comprehension-Basic)

Basic 初级 (chūjí)

Correct answer: C A. 姐姐刚见过妈妈 (jiějie gāng jiànguò māma) means “the sister has just seen the     mother.”

B. 妈妈哪儿都没去 (māma nǎr dōu méi qù) means “the mother didn’t go     anywhere.”
C. 姐姐没找到妈妈 (jiějie méi zhǎo dào māma) means “the sister didn’t find

HSK Sample Chinese Test: Has the Sister Found her Mother?

Basic 初级 (chūjí)

听下面的对话,听完对话将会有一个问题,根据对话和问题,从A、B、C、D中选出唯一正确的答案。对话及问题只听一遍。 Listen to the following short conversation, and then choose the best answer from the four choices in the following question.


问题:根据对话,您可以知道(        )。

A. 姐姐刚见过妈妈

B. 妈妈哪儿都没去

C. 姐姐没找到妈妈

D. 姐姐没去找妈妈

See Answer

HSK Sample Test Answer: 对象 (Beginner)

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

Correct answer: C Analysis: A. “房间 (fángjiān)” means “room.”

B. “同学 (tóngxué)” means “classmate.”
C. “对象 (duìxiàng)” can be used to refer to “男朋友 (nánpéngyou) boyfriend” or “女朋友 (nǚpéngyou) girlfriend”  in Chinese language.
D. “公司 (gōngsī)” means company.

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