宫保鸡丁的来历 Origin of Kung Pao Chicken (Advanced)

宫保鸡丁的来历 (Gōngbǎo jīdīng de láilì) Origin of Kung Pao Chicken (Advanced)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

宫保鸡丁 (gōngbǎo jīdīng): n Kung Pao Chicken

川菜 (chuāncài): n Sichuan dish

鸡肉 (jīròu):n chicken

“宫保鸡丁 (gōngbǎo jīdīng)Kung Pao Chicken” is usually perceived as a “川菜 (chuāncài) Sichuan dish,” and …

Quote of the week (Mar. 12, 2010)

Gǔshì zěnme kěnéng yǒu zhuānjiā ne? Gǔshì bù kěnéng yǒu zhuānjiā ma! Gǔshì 股市     怎么    可能     有    专家      呢?股市    不 可能     有    专家       嘛!股市 zhyǒu shūjiā hé yíngjiā. 只有     输家 和   赢家。   

How can it be possible to have experts in the stock market? No …

Chinese For Kids: How To Say “Parents” And “Grandparents” In Chinese (Beginner)

爸爸 (bàba): n dad/ father

“爸爸 (bàba)” is the most commonly used Chinese phrase for dad. But some people use “爹 (diē)” to refer dad.


A: Bàba, wǒ zhè zhōumò xiǎng qù hǎiyáng gōngyuán. 爸爸,我 这   周末      想      去   海洋     公园。 Dad, I want …

中国元宵节 The Chinese Lantern Festival (Intermediate)

中国元宵节 (Zhōngguó yuánxiāojié)

The Chinese Lantern Festival


Key Learning Points (Preview):

农历 (nónglì): n/adj the lunar calendar/lunar

愿望 (yuànwàng): n wish

完美 (wánměi): adj perfect

The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first “农历 (nónglì) lunar” month. In ancient China, people called …

Quote of the week (Feb. 10, 2010)

Jǐn zhù  xīnnián  kuàilè  xìngfú,   dàjídàlì . 谨   祝      新年    快乐    幸福,  大吉大利!

Wish you a happy New Year and great fortune! —Most popular Chinese New Year greetings

生词(shēngcí) Vocabulary


快乐 (kuàilè): adj merry

幸福 (xìngfú): adj happy/blessed

大吉大利 (dàjídàlì): great fortune

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