Kids’ Chinese Story: 曹冲称象 Cao Chong Weighed An Elephant (Beginner)

曹冲称象(Cáo Chōng Chēng Xiàng) Cao Chong Weighed an Elephant

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Key Learning Points (Preview)

大象(dàxiàng): n. elephant

称(chēng): v. to weigh

Sānguó de shíhou, yǒurén sònggěi CáoCāo yìtóu jùxiàng. 三国       的   时候, 有人     送给       曹操      一头  巨象。

One day during the …

Read Chinese story about 七夕节 (Qīxījié) Double Seven Festival (Chinese Valentine’s Day) (Beginner)

七夕节 (Qīxījié) Double Seven Festival (Chinese Valentine’s Day)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

鹊桥 (què qiáo): n. a bridge made up of magpies

七夕节 (Qīxījié): n. Double Seven Festival

中国情人节 (Zhōngguó Qíngrénjié): n. Chinese Valentine’s Day

The Double Seven Festival or Chinese Valentine’s Day is on …

Chinese Story for Kids: 盲人摸象 Blind Men and an Elephant (Beginner)

盲人摸象 (Mángrén mō xiàng) Blind Men and an Elephant

Key Learning Points (Preview):

牙齿 (yáchǐ): n. teeth

象 (xiàng): n. elephant

Cóngqián, yǒu sì gè mángrén hěn xiǎng zhīdào dàxiàng shì shénme yàngzi. 从前,       有   四 个    盲人    很    想      知道    大象      是    什么     样子。…

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