Books Recommendation


New Standard Chinese (Elementary Level 1, 2)

Peking University Press (I)ISBN 7-301-077777/H.1024 (II)ISBN 7-301-0778-5/H.1025 Chief Editor Fang Ming 教材类型 注释语言 适用对象 册数 配套产品 大学综合教材 英语 中学生,大学生,成人 2 课本、第一册配2CD,第二册配3CD Type Annotation Ideal for volume Supporting Material Comprehensive textbook for college English Beginners of High school …

烟花 (yānhuā) Fireworks (Intermediate)

烟花 (yānhuā) Fireworks (Intermediate)  


The character “烟 (yān)” means smoke and “花 (huā)” means flower.


Chúxī yè, wǒ hé bàba māma yìqǐ fàng yānhuā. 除夕夜,我和爸爸妈妈一起放烟花。  I set off the fireworks with my parents on New Year’s Eve.


Chinese Popular Words (Fun Stuff)

逛街 (guàngjiē) Go Window-shopping/ Go Shopping (Beginner)

逛街 (guàngjiē) Go Window-shopping/ Go Shopping


The character “逛 (guàng)” means to stroll around or to roam; “街 (jiē)” means street.


Wǒ zuótiān wǎnshàng qù guàngjiē le. 我昨天晚上去逛街了。

I went window-shopping last night. Got questions? // // HSK Test General Chinese (Beginner Level)

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