Answer to Chinese Test: Prepositions and Math

Answer: B.
Answer analysis:
The correct sentence should be:

Wǒ duì shùxué bù gǎn xìngqù.
我   对    数学   不  感   兴趣。
I’m not interested in math.

Pay attention to the word “对 (duì)”. 对 (duì) is used as a preposition here. It means “to” or “toward” an object or target. “数学 (shùxué)” means “mathematics,” and “感兴趣 (gǎn xìngqù)” means “interested in.”

Subj. 1 + 对 + Subj. 2 + Verb

In this case, “数学 (shùxué) mathematics” cannot be subject 1. Because 数学 (shùxué) is an inanimate noun. Math cannot feel interested or disinterested in anything. The correct sentence structure should be “subject(animate noun) + 对+ subject (不)感兴趣.”

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2 thoughts on “Answer to Chinese Test: Prepositions and Math”

    1. jennifer.zhu

      Hi Steve,

      “is the boss available?” In Chinese, you can say “老板可以吗? (lǎo bǎn kě yǐ ma)?” or “老板方便吗? (lǎo bǎn fāng biàn ma)?” But which one is better depends on the specific situation.

      Hope it helps!

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