Correct Answer: B
A. “鲜艳” refers to the Chinese pinyin “xiānyàn”.
The character 鲜(xiān) means fresh and 艳(yàn) means glamorous. The meaning of 鲜艳(xiānyàn) is bright-colored.
B. “响亮” refers to the Chinese pinyin “xiăngliàng”.
The character 响(xiăng) means loud and 亮(liàng) means bright or clear. The meaning of 响亮 is loud and clear.
C. “热闹” refers to the Chinese pinyin “rènɑo”.
The character 热(rè) means hot and 闹(nào) means noisy. The meaning of 热闹 is bustling with noise.
D. “奇妙” refers to the Chinese pinyin “qímiào”.
The character 奇(qí) means strange or odd and 妙(miào) means wonderful. The meaning of 奇妙 is fantastic.
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