Answers to the Exercise on the Differences Between “或者(huòzhě)” And “还是(háishì)”

Answer: C

In many situations, a single word in English may have several different forms, meanings and usages in Chinese – such as the word “or” which translates to both “或者(huòzhě)” and “还是(háishì)” in Chinese.

Both “或者(huòzhě)” and “还是(háishì)” can be used to connect two words or phrases that represent different alternatives or choices.

“还是(háishì)” is usually used in questions to present a choice. It is similar to asking “which one?” or asking someone to choose between the options given.


Nǐ xǐhuan hóngsè háishì lǜsè?
你 喜欢     红色     还是   绿色?

Do you like red or green?

Nǐ xiǎng qù nǎlǐ? Běijīng háishì Shànghǎi?
你 想      去 哪里?北京    还是    上海?

Where do you want to go? Beijing or Shanghai?

“或者(huòzhě )” is usually used in declarative sentences to express “or.”


Wŏ míngtiān huòzhě hòutiān huì qù Běijīng.
我    明天        或者      后天     会  去  北京。

I will go to Beijing tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Píngguǒ huòzhě táozi, wǒ dōu xǐhuan.
苹果         或者     桃子,我 都   喜欢。

Apples or peaches, I like them both.

Now let’s look back at our test. Ellie asks a question and “还是(háishì)” is the best word to use when asking questions. Alice uses a declarative sentence for which “或者(huòzhě)” would be the correct word to use. Thus, the answer is C.

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General Chinese (Beginner Level) 
General Chinese (Intermediate Level) 

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