HSK Test Prep

Chinese Quiz: Do You Know Question Words?

1. Choose the right answer to fill in the blank.

           Nǐ xiànzài zài ____ guàngjiē ne? Jessie: 你  现在   在  ____     逛街   呢?           Wǒ zài zhōngxìn guǎngchǎng. Molly: 我   在    中信       广场。           I am in CITIC Plaza. A. 哪里 (nǎlǐ)

B. 什么 (shénme)

C. 怎么 …

Chinese Quiz: Extending Holiday Greetings

Jīntiān shì shèngdànjié, wǒ xiǎng sòng nǐ yí fèn shèngdàn ______,zhù nǐ shèngdàn ______! 今天   是      圣诞节, 我   想       送  你 一 份    圣诞     ______,   祝 你    圣诞     ______ ! A. 礼物 (lǐwù);快乐 (kuàilè) B. 快乐 (kuàilè);礼物 (lǐwù) C. 礼物 (lǐwù);礼物 (lǐwù) D. 快乐 (kuàilè);快乐 …

Answer to Chinese Quiz: Extending Holiday Greetings

Answer: A

Answer Analysis:

Jīntiān shì shèngdànjié, wǒ xiǎng sòng nǐ yí fèn shèngdàn lǐwù, zhù nǐ shèngdàn kuàilè! 今天   是      圣诞节,   我    想       送    你 一 份    圣诞     礼物,祝 你    圣诞      快乐 ! Today is Christmas, I want to give you a Christmas present, …

Answer to What’s the Difference between “保护(bǎohù),” “保持(bǎochí),” and “保留(bǎoliú)”?

Answer: B To understand the correct answer to the quiz we need to first make clear the different meanings of these three similar words: “保护(bǎohù)” means “to protect,” “保持(bǎochí)” is “to remain or keep,” and “保留(bǎoliú)” means “to continue to have/to preserve.”


Bǎohù huánjìng …

What’s the Difference between “保护(bǎohù),” “保持(bǎochí),” and “保留(bǎoliú)”?

Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank. Shàngkè le, qǐng _____ ānjìng. 上课       了,请 _____  安静。 Class is beginning, so please keep quiet. A. “保护(bǎohù)”

B. “保持(bǎochí)”

C. “保留(bǎoliú)”

General Chinese (Beginner Level) General Chinese (Intermediate Level)

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