Chinese Song for Kids: 青蛙歌 Frog Song (Beginner)

A Chinese Nursery Rhyme for Children (Beginner)

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青蛙歌 (Qīngwā gē) Frog Song

Key Learning Points (Preview):

青蛙 (qīngwā): n frog

嘴 (zuǐ): n mouth

腿 (tuǐ): n leg

Yì zhī qīngwā yì zhāng zuǐ,
一 只 青蛙     一 张      嘴,
A frog has one mouth,

Liǎng zhī yǎnjing sì tiáo tuǐ.
两      只    眼睛    四 条 腿。
Two eyes and four legs.

Liǎng zhī qīngwā liǎng zhāng zuǐ,
两      只    青蛙     两     张      嘴,
Two frogs have two mouths,

Sì zhī yǎnjing bā tiáo tuǐ.
四 只 眼睛      八 条  腿。
Four eyes and eight legs.

Pūtōng pūtōng tiào xià shuǐ.
扑通      扑通      跳 下    水。
They jump into the water with a splash.

Key Learning Points:

(qīngwā) n frog

The character “青 (qīng)” means cyan and “蛙 (wā)” means frog.


A:  Kuài kàn, hé lǐ yǒu hěnduō kēdǒu!
快     看,河里 有   很多     蝌蚪!
Look, there is a lot of tadpoles in the river.

B: Duì! Kēdǒu zhǎngdà jiù biànchéng qīngwā le ne!
对!蝌蚪      长大    就    变成         青蛙   了 呢!
Yes! Tadpoles will become frogs when they grow up.

(zuǐ) n mouth

“嘴 (zuǐ)” means mouth, but we usually use “嘴 (zuǐ)” combine with some other words, such as “嘴唇 (zuǐchún) lips,” “嘴巴 (zuǐba) mouth.”

Learn the names of the body parts in Chinese through the body song.


A: Māma, wǒ hǎo kě.
妈妈, 我 好   渴。
Mom, I’m thirsty.

B: Bǎobèi, děng huìr, xiǎoxīn tàng dào zuǐ.
宝贝,    等 会儿, 小 心    烫    到  嘴。
Honey, wait for a moment. Be careful not to burn your mouth.

(tuǐ) n leg


A: Xiǎomíng de tuǐ bèi xiǎodāo huá pò le, wǒmen dài tā qù yīyuàn.
小    明     的 腿  被   小刀      划  破 了,我们   带  他 去  医院。
Xiao Ming’s leg has been cut open by a knife; let’s take him to the hospital.

B: Hǎode, zǒu!
好的, 走!
Ok, let’s go!

生词 (shēngcí) Vocabulary:

一 (yī): n one

四 (sì): n four

八 (bā): n eight

Do you know how to use Chinese hand gestures for number?
Want to listen to more fun songs related to animals?
Chinese Song: Counting Ducks (Elementary)
Chinese song: The Little Swallow (Elementary)
Song for Kids–小乌龟(Xiǎowūguī) Little Turtle

0 thoughts on “Chinese Song for Kids: 青蛙歌 Frog Song (Beginner)”

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