Formatting for Personal Writing Materials in The IB Chinese B

Here’s a guide on how to format various types of professional writing materials for the IB Chinese B writing section, including blogs, diaries, emails, personal letters, and social media posts. This article organizes the formats of the types of texts that will be assessed in this section.

1. Diary

The first line should include the date, day of the week, and weather, arranged from left to right. On the next line, write the title of the diary entry, which should simply summarize the content and be centered. Below that, start writing the main text, where you express your thoughts and feelings.

2. Email

From: Write the sender’s email address.

To:Include the recipient’s email address.

Subject:Write a brief overview of the main topic and content of the email.

Body:This is where you express your message, along with any attachments.

3. Personal Letter

A personal letter typically consists of a salutation, greeting, body, signature, and date. Write the salutation on the first line on the left, and on the line below, write the greeting to convey your feelings. Following that, write the body of the letter, ensuring to indent the first line by two spaces. Your name should be placed on the right side below the content, with the date written underneath your name, both aligned to the right.

4. Blog

The format for blogs is flexible but should capture the reader’s interest. You can use images or subheadings to break up paragraphs. The language can be more casual and relatable, but it’s essential to maintain logical coherence. It’s also beneficial to mimic the writing style of well-known bloggers, practicing how to express complex issues in a lighthearted and engaging manner while ensuring logical flow.

5. Social Media Posts/Chat Rooms

This section is more informal, allowing you to write in a style that suits your personal preference. Feel free to experiment with the format, as it can vary widely based on the message you want to convey.

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