Hot TV Series (Spring, 2009)- 我的青春谁做主(wŏ de qīng chūn shuí zuò zhŭ)

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It is one of the hottest TV series so far in 2009. In this series, you will see a lot of issues facing young people in China today. How does a 17-year-old girl struggle to assume her responsibility and finally successfully escape from her mother’s strict protection? How does a 20-years-old girl develop her relationship with her boyfriend under her parents’ great pressures? How does a young business man bravely face the mistakes he made before? No matter how many stories have happened to these vigorous young people, 我的青春谁做主(wŏ de qīng chūn shuí zuò zhŭ) has brought a great topic to us: 我的青春谁做主(wŏ de qīng chūn shuí zuò zhŭ), that is, who is the Master of my own youth?
This TV series also has some very thoughtful and humorous lines. Understanding of these lines is helpful for your Chinese study. Below is a conversation between Qian Xiaoyang (21-year-old) and her boyfriend Fang Yu when they met for the first time.

Xiăo yàng:

Wŏ jiào qián xiăo yàng, dà xiăo de xiăo, yàngzi de yàng. Suīrán bú dàqì, dànshì hěn kěài .
小     样:    我   叫    钱   小    样, 大  小   的  小,  样子 的   样。 虽然   不 大气,但是   很  可爱。

Xiaoyang :

My name is Qian Xiaoyang. “xiao” refers to the meaning of small size and “yang” means look. The name may not show a big-heart, but it is very lovely.

Xiăo yàng:

Nĭ cāi wŏ bà jiào shénme?
小      样:  你  猜  我 爸 叫    什么?

Xiaoyang :

Can you guess my dad’s name?

Fānɡ Yǔ :

Qián chuàn zĭ.

方       宇:

钱   串    子。

Fang Yu :

Coin strings. (“qián” has the same pronunciation as “money” in Chinese, “chuàn” means “string”. In ancient times, people used strings to string money “coins” together.)

Xiăo yàng:

Shăo lái!   Nĭ bà cái jiào qián chuàn zĭ ne!

小       样:

少   来!你 爸  才  叫   钱     串    子 呢!

Xiaoyang :

Come on! Your dad is coin strings.

Fānɡ Yǔ :

Nà nǐ bà jiào shénme ?

方    宇:

那 你 爸 叫    什么?

Fang Yu :

So what is his name?

Xiăo yàng:

Qián jìn lái.

小       样:

钱   进  来。

Xiaoyang :

The money is coming.

生词 (shēng cí) Vocabulary:

青春 (qīng chūn): n youth

钱( qián ): n money

进来( jìn lái):V come
串( chuàn): n string

Usage of “小样儿(xiăo yàng ér)”
“小样儿(xiăo yàng ér)” comes from northeast dialect” 看你那小样(kàn nĭ nà xiăo yàng)” and it becomes “小样儿 (xiăo yàng ér)” as a widely used slang. There are several uses of “小样儿(xiăo yàng ér): ”

a. People use the phrase to describe those whom they look down.

Kàn nĭ nà xiăo yàng ér,   jiù zhīdào nĭ găo bú dìng!
看   你 那 小    样    儿,就  知道   你  搞  不   定!
Look at you; I know you can’t handle it.

b. It is used to call the other party in a relationship.

Nán: Băobèi, xiăng nĭ le,   nĭ xiăng wŏ ma?
男:   宝 贝,想   你 了,你  想    我  吗?
Men: Baby, I miss you. What about you?
Nŭ: Xiăo yàng ér.
女:小     样    儿。
Women: You little guy.

c. It is used to express happiness in some situations.

Nĭ qiáo nĭ měi dé nà xiăo yàng ér.
你  瞧  你 美  得  那  小    样    儿。
See how happy you are.

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