IB Chinese B Speech Writing Format

When crafting a speech, having a clear and organized structure is essential for effective communication and audience engagement. Here’s a standard speech format that students can adapt as needed:

1. Title Page

Title: A concise summary of the speech’s theme.

Subtitle: Provides additional details or context.

Speaker’s Name: Full name of the speaker.

Date: The date of the speech or its anticipated delivery.

Location: The specific venue or occasion of the speech.

2. Introduction

Opening: Start with an engaging statement or story to capture the audience’s attention.

Background: Briefly outline the context, significance, or current relevance of the topic.

Purpose Statement: Clearly convey what you aim to achieve or communicate through the speech.

Outline: Provide an overview of the main points you will cover, setting expectations for the audience.

3. Body

Main Point 1: Subheading/Topic Sentence: Summarize the core idea of this section.

Supporting Evidence: Offer facts, data, examples, or anecdotes to back up your point.

Explanation: Elaborate on why this point matters and its impact on the audience or society.

Main Point 2: Follow the same structure to develop a second key point, ensuring logical flow and depth.

Main Point 3 (add more points as needed): Continue following the “topic sentence supporting evidence explanation” format for each point.

4. Counterarguments and Responses

If there are potential opposing views, briefly acknowledge them and provide your rebuttal to demonstrate comprehensive thinking and openness.

5. Conclusion

Summary of Points: Recap the key information and main ideas from the speech.

Emphasize Core Message: Reiterate the most important takeaway or call to action you want the audience to remember.

Closing Statement: End with an inspiring, thoughtprovoking, or memorable remark that leaves a lasting impression.

Call to Action (if applicable): Encourage the audience to take a specific action, such as participating in an initiative or changing their perspective.

6. Acknowledgments

Thank the organizers, audience, partners, or anyone who contributed to your speech.

7. Appendix

List any data, research, or sources cited in the speech to enhance credibility.


Language Style: Adjust the language to suit the audience and occasion, maintaining professionalism while being easily understandable.

Time Management: Ensure the content fits the allotted time, leaving room for a Q&A session if necessary.

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