Kids’ Chinese Song: 世上只有妈妈好 Mom is the Best in the World

Chinese Songs for Kids (Beginner)

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世上只有妈妈好 (Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo) Mom is the best in the world

Mother’s day is coming up soon, so we chose a famous Chinese song for kids who can sing the song to their moms. Hope this song can remind of your sweet memories and also help you learn Chinese with great fun.

Key Learning Points (Preview):

孩子 (háizi): n. child

怀抱 (huáibào): n. (within someone’s) embrace

Listen to the song:

Listen to the song lyrics:

Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo,
世     上     只有     妈妈   好,
A mother is the best person in the world,

Yǒu mā de háizi xiàng ge bǎo.
有    妈   的 孩子  像    个   宝。
A child is always cherished by his mother.

Tóu jìn le māma de huáibào,
投   进 了  妈妈  的   怀抱,
Seeking refuge in a mother’s embrace,

Xìngfú xiǎng bù liǎo.
幸福     享     不  了。
The child enjoys happiness forever.

Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo,
世     上      只有     妈妈   好,
A mother is the best person in the world,

Yǒu mā de háizi  xiàng ge bǎo.
有    妈  的  孩子 像    个    宝。
A child is always cherished by his mother.

Tóu jìn  le māma de huáibào,
投    进 了  妈妈  的   怀抱,
Seeking refuge in a mother’s embrace,

Xìngfú xiǎng bù liǎo.
幸福      享    不   了。
The child enjoys happiness forever.

Key Learning Points:

孩子 (háizi): n child


A: Zhè jǐ tiān zěnme bú jiàn nǐ  jiā  háizi   lái wǒ jiā wán ne?
A: 这  几 天   怎么    不 见  你 家  孩子  来  我 家 玩   呢?
A: How come we don’t see your child come to my home and play with my kid these days?

B:  ò,    tā   zuìjìn máng zhe shàng SAT kǎoshì kè ne.
B: 哦,他  最近    忙    着     上      SAT 考试   课  呢。
B: He is busy taking the SAT exam recently.

怀抱 (huáibào): n. (within someone’s) embrace


Bàba  de  huáibào hěn wēnnuǎn.
爸爸   的    怀抱     很      温暖。
I feel so warm in my dad’s arms.

生词 (shēngcí) Vocabulary:

幸福 (xìngfú): n. happiness

妈妈 (māma): n. mother

Learn the other two Chinese songs for your mother:
Kids’ Chinese Nursery Rhyme: 我的好妈妈 My Dear Mother:
Kids’ Chinese Song: 只要妈妈露笑脸 If Only My Mother Smiles
You may be interested in this touching story of a great Mother
孟母三迁 Mencius’ Mother Relocates Home Three Times to Improve Her Son’s Education (Beginner)

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