“辣妈(làmā) Hot Mom”

Generally the word “辣(là)” has different meanings.

As a kind of taste, “辣(là)” means peppery or spicy hot.


Zhè dào cài zhēn là!
这    道   菜  真     辣!
The dish is very spicy!

Another meaning of “辣(là)” is ruthless. It usually describes a person who is cruel.


Nàgè rén xīnhěnshǒulà.
那个  人   心狠手辣。
That person is ruthless.

In fact, “辣(là)” has more meanings than the ones above.

Most people know Victoria the singer and designer, as a member of the “Spice Girls.” Her fans nicknamed her “辣妹(làmèi), the spice girl,” as she is beautiful, sexy and very fashionable with a vigorous and independent character. After Victory married David Beckham and gave birth to their baby, she upgraded herself to a “辣妈(làmā), spice mum.” Here “辣(là)” in “辣妹(làmèi)” and in “辣妈(làmā)” means a kind of temperament. A “辣妈(làmā)” usually has a sexy figure. Her character is daring and forthright, making her individuality widely known through independent behavior and thoughts. Moreover she usually loves beauty and fashion and her way of raising a baby is usually very unique.


Tā shì yígè làmā.
她  是  一个 辣妈。
She is a spice mum.

Nǐ shénme shíhou biànchénɡ yígè làmā le?
你 什么      时候     变成          一个  辣妈 了?
When did you become a spice mum?

At present, a TV series named “辣妈正传(Làmā zhèngzhuàn) Hot mum!” has become very popular in China. The Actress Xia Bing played by Sun Li is a “辣妈(làmā) hot mum.” Xia Bing was a female white-collar worker who was very fashionable. And her character was bold and vigorous. After giving birth to her baby, she still took her modern philosophy into practice, exclaiming “I’m a mother but I’m myself even more!” But the baby changed her life. She was in a tearing hurry at first. But after experiencing the hardships of life Xia Bing became more and more mature. At last, Xia Bing became a “辣妈(làmā)” who could not only improve her career, adhering to her own personality but also took care of her family. Take a look at this TV series, and get to know how to be a “辣妈(làmā) hot mom!”


1. “辣(là)” in “辣妹(làmèi)” refers to ____?

A. a kind of taste

B. a kind of temperament

C. a ruthless character

2. Which of the following sentences can represent the character of a “辣妈(làmā)?”

A. “I’m a mother but I’m myself more!”

B. “I’m a mother so I must be very gentle!”

C. “I should be a stay-at-home mom and wife!”

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