Please choose the correct answer to fill in the blank.
Gùkè: Lǎobǎn, zhè xiē píng’guǒ zěnme ____?
顾客: 老板, 这 些 苹果 怎么____?
Customer: How much are the apples, sir?
Lǎobǎn: Wǔ kuài qián yìjīn.
老板: 五 块 钱 一斤。
Shopkeeper: Five yuan per half kilogram.
Gùkè: Nà wǒ ____ liǎngjīn.
顾客:那 我 ____ 两斤。
Customer: I want one kilogram.
A. 买(mǎi), 卖(mài)
B. 卖(mài), 买(mǎi)
Further Reading
How to Order Food in Chinese?
Chinese Test: How to Say “buy” in Chinese?
Basic Chinese Conversation with PDF
How do I order food at a restaurant or from a street vendor in Mandarin Chinese?