Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)
The answer to the test is B.
Tīngshuō iPhone 4s yào chūshòu le.
Ivy: 听说 iPhone 4s 要 出售 了。
I heard the iPhone 4s hit the shelves.
Shì a, yàoshì wǒ néng mǎi yí bù jiù hǎo le.
Mary: 是啊,要是 我 能 买 一 部 就 好 了。
Yeah me too. If only I could buy one!
The expression “要是 (yàoshì)” indicates the phrases if only, suppose, or in case. It’s used to express a thought, wish, or guess. In the dialogue, Mary wishes she could afford an iPhone, but unfortunately cannot.
Wǒ yàoshì néng zài jiàndào tā jiù hǎo le.
我 要是 能 再 见到 她 就 好了。
If only I could meet her again.