Mini-test Answer: 一心一意 Whole-hearted (Advanced)

Advanced Level 高级 (gāojí)

Correct answer: B


A. “三心二意” are the Chinese characters for “be of two minds.”

     “三心二意” is used to describe someone who can’t concentrate on a certain thing.

B. “一心一意” is the Chinese characters for “whole-hearted.”

      “一心一意” is the opposite words of “三心二意.”

C. “十全十美” are the Chinese characters for “being perfect
in every way.”

      For example: “他做任何事情都力求十全十美。(Tā zuò rènhé
shìqíng dōu lìqiú shíquánshíměi.
) He aims at perfection  in everything he does.”

D. “一五一十” are the Chinese characters for “to tell something
exactly as it was.”

      For example: “把她说的一五一十地告诉我。(Bǎ tā shuō de yīwǔyīshí de gàosu wǒ.)
Tell me what she said, word for word.”

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0 thoughts on “Mini-test Answer: 一心一意 Whole-hearted (Advanced)”

  1. I like it. There are a lot of times when I walk into a mall and have to search left and right, like a woman :p for the best deal or a prcdtous I want and need.Hopefully this would really save a decent amount of time.

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