乌鸦和狐狸 (Wūyā Hé Húli) The Crow and the Fox

Chinese Stories for Children

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乌鸦和狐狸(Wūyā Hé Húli) The Crow and the Fox

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1. Húli zài shùlín lĭ zhăo chī de. Tā lái dào yì kē dà shù xià, kànjiàn wūyā zhèng zhàn zài shùzhī shang, zuĭlĭ
狐狸 在  树林  里  找  吃  的。他 来 到 一 棵 大  树  下,看见   乌鸦     正       站   在   树枝   上,嘴里
diāo zhe yí piàn ròu. Húli chán de zhí liú kŏushuĭ.
叼    着   一  片  肉。狐狸 馋   得  直  流    口水。
The fox was in the woods looking for food. He came to a tree and saw a crow sitting on a branch with a piece of meat in its mouth. The fox was so greedy that his mouth was watering.

Húli tíng xià lái xiăng, “nà zhī wūyā yŏu yí kuài měiwèi de ròu, wŏ yào xiăng gè bànfă dédào tā.”  Húli
狐狸 停   下  来  想,“ 那 只  乌鸦   有  一 块    美味   的 肉,我   要    想    个  办法   得到  它。”狐狸
kāishĭ zuómo zhe rúhé názŏu wūyā de ròu.
开始   琢磨    着   如何  拿走   乌鸦  的  肉。
He stopped and started to think, “That crow has a piece of delicious meat. I wonder if there is a way I can get it.” The fox was thinking of a way to take the meat away from the crow.

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2. Tā yănzhū yí zhuàn, duì wūyā shuō: “Hēi, wŏ qīn’ài de wūyā, nín hăo ma?” Wūyā méiyŏu huídá.
他   眼珠    一   转,  对   乌鸦  说:“ 嗨,我 亲爱  的  乌鸦,您  好  吗?”  乌鸦   没有      回答。
The fox rolled his eyes and said: “Hi, my dear crow, how are you?” The crow did not answer the fox.

Húli péizhe xiàoliăn shuō: “Qīn’ài de wūyā, nín de háizi hăo ma?” Wūyā kànle húli yì yăn, háishì méiyŏu
狐狸  赔着    笑脸    说:“  亲爱  的  乌鸦,您 的  孩子 好  吗?” 乌鸦   看了 狐狸 一 眼,还是  没有
The fox smiled obsequiously and said again, “My dear crow, how are your children?” The crow glanced at the fox and still did not answer him.

Húli yòu yáoyáo wěiba shuō: “Qīn’ài de wūyā,  nín de yŭmáo zhēn piàoliang, wŏ cónglái méi jiànguò nă
狐狸 又   摇摇     尾巴   说:“   亲爱  的  乌鸦,您 的    羽毛     真     漂亮,  我   从来   没     见过   哪
zhĭ niăo yŏu nín zhème wūhēi fāliàng de yŭmáo. Nín zhēn shì měi jí le.” Tīngdào húli de zànměi, wūyā
只   鸟   有   您    这么   乌黑    发亮  的  羽毛。  您    真   是  美  极 了。”听到  狐狸 的  赞美,乌鸦
sŏngle sŏng jiān, kànzhe húli.
耸了       耸   肩, 看着   狐狸。
The fox shook his tail and talked to the crow again, “Hey, crow, you have such nice feathers. I’ ve never seen a bird with such nice shiny black feathers. You are so pretty.” The crow shrugged at the praising words and looked at the fox.

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3. Dāng húli kàndào wūyā yŏu fănyìng shí,  jiù  jìxù zànměi wūyā, “Jìrán nín yŏu zhème piàoliang de
当      狐狸   看到    乌鸦   有   反应   时,就 继续  赞美  乌鸦,“既然  您  有     这么      漂亮    的
yŭmáo, wŏ kěndìng nín de shēngyīn shì suóyŏu niăo zhōng zuì dòngtīng de.” Wūyā sŏngsŏng jiān,
羽毛,  我    肯定    您  的       声音   是   所有     鸟     中     最     动听    的。” 乌鸦    耸耸    肩,
When the crow showed the response, the fox continued to praise the crow. “Since you have such great feathers, I am sure you have the most melodious voice of all birds.” The crow shrugged and smiled.

“Nín néng yòng nín měimiào de shēngyīn chàng jĭ jù ma?”  Húli  yòng qĭqiú de yŭqì shuōdào.
“您     能    用     您      美妙   的   声音        唱   几 句 吗?” 狐狸   用   乞求 的 语气    说道。
“Would you please sing a song with your wonderful voice?” The fox begged the crow.

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4. Wūyā tīngle húli de huà, fēicháng déyì, jiù chàngle qĭlái. “Wā…” Tā gāng yì kāi kŏu, ròu jiù diàole xiàlái.
乌鸦     听了 狐狸 的  话,  非常   得意,就  唱了  起来。“哇……”她 刚   一 开  口,肉  就  掉了  下来。
Húli diāo qĭ ròu, yìliūyān păodiàole.
狐狸  叼  起 肉,一溜烟    跑掉了。
The crow became proud of itself and began to sing when it heard the fox talk about its wonderful voice. “Wow…” Just when the crow opened its mouth to sing, the meat fell to the ground. The fox picked up the meat and ran away.

Wūyā bèi húli piànle, zhĭnéng wúnài de dīngzhe húli xiāoshī de fāngxiàng.
乌鸦   被 狐狸  骗了, 只能     无奈  地   盯着   狐狸  消失   的   方向。
The crow was tricked by the fox and helplessly stared at the fox when it disappeared.


1. 吃惊(chījīng) adv. amazedly

2. 认真(rènzhēn) adv. earnestly

3. 难为情(nánwéiqíng) adv. embarrassedly

4. 亲切(qīnqiè) adv. kindly

Want to know whether the little horse crossed the river? Stay tuned! Part II will be in the next issue. You are welcome to create stories for these three pigs and send to us at Jennifer.Zhu@eChineseLearning.com

3 thoughts on “乌鸦和狐狸 (Wūyā Hé Húli) The Crow and the Fox”

    1. jennifer.zhu

      Yes, It’s really a fun story, hope you enjoy reading it with your friend. We will keep updating more interesting posts, please feel free to check.

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