YCT 3 Real Exam Question Practice And Analysis

Being able to generate correct sentences is an important step in learning a language. However, language proficiency is really tested when one is asked to identify errors or construct a phrase from its component parts. These kinds of questions are necessary when preparing for the Youth Chinese Test (YCT), so let’s give some a try!

Form Sentences

男:今天有(  )课吗?
A. 铅笔   B. 名字   C. 汉语

女:我想买(  )水果。
A. 些   B. 岁   C. 只

男:请(  ),您找谁?
A. 进   B. 近   C. 叫

男:你知道这个字怎么(  )吗?
A. 爱   B. 读   C. 唱

女:一(  )五百多个。
A. 千   B. 九   C. 零

女:因为(  )不好,所以我们都没去。
A. 远   B. 疼   C. 天气



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