Conversation-业余爱好 (yèyú àihào) Hobbies

业余爱好 (Yèyú àihào) Hobbies

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初级 (Chūjí) Beginner Level

Lily: Mài Ke, nĭ xĭhuan páshān ma?
Lily: 迈克,你喜欢爬山吗?
Lily: Mike, do you like climbing mountains?

Mike: Nà dāngrán le, wǒ de àihào jiù shì páshān.
Mike: 那当然了,我的爱好就是爬山。
Mike: Of course, my hobby is mountain climbing.

生词 (Shēngcí) Vocabulary:

业余爱好 (Yèyú àihào): n hobby

爬山 (Páshān): v to climb a mountain

中级 (Zhōngjí) Intermediate Level

Lily: Mài Ke, nĭ xiánshí dōu xĭhuan gàn xiē shénme ne?
Lily: 迈克,  你闲时都喜欢干些什么呢?
Lily: Mike, what do you like to do during your spare time?

Mike: Wǒ a, wǒ de xìngqù àihào hěnduō o, zài méiyǒu kè de shíhou, wǒ xĭhuan kànshū, tīnggē, tiàowŭ, háiyǒu hěnduō tĭyù huódòng.
Mike: 我啊,我的兴趣爱好很多哦,在没有课的时候,我喜欢看书、听歌、跳舞、还有很多体育活动。
Mike: Me, I have a lot of hobbies. I like reading, listening to songs, dancing and many physical activities.

Lily: Nà nĭ zuì xĭhuan de shì shénme ne?
Lily: 那你最喜欢的是什么呢?
Lily: Then what’s your favorite?

Mike: Wǒ zuì xĭhuan de jiù shì páshān le, nà shì wǒ zuìdà de àihào.
Mike: 我最喜欢的就是爬山了,那是我最大的爱好。
Mike: My favorite is mountain climbing. That’s my biggest hobby.

Lily: Wèishénme ne?
Lily: 为什么呢?
Lily: Why is that?

Mike: Yīnwèi páshān kéyĭ shĭ wǒ de shēntĭ dédào duànliàn, bìngqiě wánquán de fàngsōng xīnqíng.
Mike: 因为爬山可以使我的身体得到锻炼,并且完全地放松心情。
Mike: Because mountain climbing is a good workout for my body, and it also helps me de-stress.

生词 (Shēngcí) Vocabulary:

看书(kànshū): v to read

Learn How to Borrow Books in the Library Before “看书 (Kànshū).”

跳舞 (Tiàowŭ): v to dance

体育活动 (Tĭyù huódòng): n physical training, sports, activities

How to Describe Different Sport Activities in Chinese?

锻炼 (Duànliàn): v to do physical training, to take exercise, to exercise

放松 (Fàngsōng): v to de-dress, to relax

高级 (Gāojí) Advanced Level

Lily: Hai, Mài Ke!
Lily: 嗨,迈克!
Lily: Hi, Mike!

Mike: Nĭ hǎo a, Lìlì.
Mike: 你好啊,莉莉。
Mike: Hello, Lily.

Lily: Nĭ jiàqī guò de zěnme yàng a, dōu gàn shénme le a?
Lily: 你假期过的怎么样啊,都干什么了啊?
Lily: How was your holiday? What did you do?

Mike: Wǒ gēn bàba māma qù pá Huà Shān le, hěn yǒu yìsi.
Mike: 我跟爸爸妈妈去爬华山了,很有意思。
Mike: I climbed Hua Mountain with my parents. It was very interesting.

Lily: Pá Huà Shān? Yídìng hěn lèi ba?
Lily: 爬华山?一定很累吧?
Lily: Climbed Hua Mountain? You must be so tired, right?

Mike: En, shì hěn lèi, dànshì hěn duànliàn rén de yìzhì, gèng hékuàng páshān shì wǒ gēn bàba de gòngtóng àihào, suóyĭ wǒmen dōu wán de hěn kāixīn.   Nà nĭ ne?
Mike: 嗯,是很累,但是很锻炼人的意志,更何况爬山是我跟爸爸的共同爱好, 所以我们都玩地很开心,那你呢?
Mike: Yes, it was very exhausting, but mountain climbing is helpful to exercise one’s will. Moreover, mountain climbing is a hobby my dad and I both have in common, so we had a really good time. What about you?

Lily: Wǒ ma, jìxù xuéxí xiǎo tíqín, nà yě shì wǒ zuì xĭhuan gàn de shìqíng. Měidāng wǒ yì lā qĭ xiǎotíqín, wǒ jiù huì wàngjì yìqiè,  jué dé zìjĭ shì zuì xìngfú de rén. Jiǎngjiǎng nĭmen páshān túzhōng yǒuqù de jīnglì ba!
Lily: 我嘛,继续学习小提琴,那也是我最喜欢干的事情。每当我一拉起小提琴,我就会忘记一切,觉得自己是最幸福的人,讲讲你们爬山途中有趣的经历吧!
Lily: I continued to learn to play the violin, which is my favorite thing to do. Whenever I play the violin, I forget everything around me and feel like the happiest person in the world. Please tell me about your interesting experience on the way to the peak of Hua Mountain.

Mike: Hǎo a , páshān de guòchéng zhōng, wǒ kàndào le hǎoduō tiāoshāngōng, tiāo zhe jĭshí gōngjīn zhòng de dōngxi, yí bù bù cóng shānjiǎo pá shàng shāndĭng, xiāngdāng xīnkŭ, érqiě měi tàng jiù zhĭnéng zhuàn dé nà  jĭnyǒu de yì diǎndiǎn qián.
Mike: 好啊,爬山的过程中,我看到了好多挑山工,挑着几十公斤重的东西,一步步从山脚爬上山顶,相当辛苦,而且每趟就只能赚得那仅有的一点点钱。
Mike: Ok, I saw many mount-carriers who carried several dozen kilograms of goods on the way up to the peak of Hua Mountain. It looked like rough work step by step all the way from the foot of the mountain to the peak. What’s more, those mount-carriers only earn a little money each time.

Lily: Shì ma? Nà nĭ méiyǒu hé tāmen jiāotán ma?
Lily: 是吗?那你没有和他们交谈吗?
Lily: Really? Did you talk to them?

Mike: Dāngrán liáo le a,  cóng nàshi qĭ,   wǒ dǒng dé le rènhé yíjiàn shìqíng de chénggōng jiùshì guì zài jiānchí a!
Mike: 当然聊了啊,从那时起,我懂得了任何一件事情的成功就是贵在坚持啊!
Mike: Of course I talked to them. From then on, I learned that the most important part to succeeding in anything is perseverance.

生词 (Shēngcí) Vocabulary:

有意思 (Yǒu yìsi): adj amusing/fun/interesting

What Is the Difference Between “有意思 (Yǒuyìsi)” And “有兴趣 (Yǒu Xìngqù)?”

意志 (Yìzhì): n will

共同的 (Gòngtóng de): adj common

坚持 (Jiānchí): v to drink until one is drunk

挑山工 (Tiāoshāngōng): n mount-carriers workers who carry several dozen kilograms of goods from the foot of the mountain to the peak .

相当 (Xiāngdāng): adv pretty, quite

贵 (Guì): adj expensive literally, but here it means the most important thing or the key point.

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2 thoughts on “Conversation-业余爱好 (yèyú àihào) Hobbies”

  1. Thank you very much for the invitation :). Best wishes.
    PS: How are you? I am from France 🙂

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